• Mar 28 Tue 2006 23:18
  • Sigh

I know that i shouldn't think in this way....but still fell a little bit disappointed...>"<
quite moody...recently!!!!

NiCOLE 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Learning making up yesterday....so.....I had to use the cleansing oil last night. I used to use Biore's cleansing oil & got up with loads of acne the next day...>"Shu Uemura's cleansing oil & I'll get one very soon!!!

NiCOLE 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

It's my first day in Australia. It's a pretty good day.
First of all, I bought a DIOR sunglasses in duty free shop. I really love this pair of sunglasses...hahaha!!
When I passed the customs, I thought I would go through complex double check.But, thanks God. they were all very kind to me, and just permit me go through it directly, unlike other travellers.
Then, I slept all the afternoon.....and enjoyed dinner with Kev in Cizzler.
Hahaha...I look forward to another beautiful day.

NiCOLE 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


正如媽咪所說ㄉ...我是ㄍ"貪財鬼",雖然只有$500,但有遊覽車可以搭,有便當餐廳可以吃,也有3ㄍ小時的抗議時間(我自我解釋為Free Time),$500值得啦!



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